Vision Prevention for Little Ones: Protect Their Eyes Vision prevention for the little ones: discover how to protect children's eyes with visits and visual re-education.
Myodesopsia: What Are Floaters and How to Treat Them Find out what myodesopsies, or floaters, are and how to treat them with OPTO Vitreo, the vitreous body supplement from Ottica Paoletti.
Astigmatism: What it is and how to correct it Astigmatism: find out what it is, the causes, how to recognize it with a test and the solutions to correct it.
Mind Your Posture: Sight and Learning in Children Watch your posture! Discover how vision and posture affect children's learning and how to best educate them.
Ottica Paoletti: the Blog! A new space for your eyesight and posture Discover the Ottica Paoletti blog: a new space to talk about vision, posture and optics. We have been sharing news, products and advice since 1975 in Pieve di Soligo.
Gymnastics for your eyes: exercises for visual health Eye Exercises: Simple exercises, like 20-20-20, to reduce eye strain and improve eye health.
Ottica Paoletti Blog - News and Tips for Sight from Pieve di Soligo Ottica Paoletti Blog: discover advice on vision and posture from Pieve di Soligo. News on postural optometric control and visual re-education.
Visual Rehabilitation: Improve Your Vision with Re-education Visual rehabilitation: re-educates vision to resolve fatigue, headaches and learning difficulties.
Postural Optometric Control: Sight and Posture in Harmony Postural optometric check: evaluates vision and posture, preventing problems with lenses and visual re-education.
Which sunglasses protect our eyes? Which sunglasses really protect? Learn how to choose lenses with UV protection and safe frames for adults and children, avoiding risks to eye health.