Abnormal Color Vision: Dyschromatopsia and Color Blindness
Do you have trouble distinguishing certain colors? You may suffer from dyschromatopsia , a color vision disorder. At Ottica Paoletti in Pieve di Soligo we help you understand and manage this condition with personalized solutions.
What is Color Blindness and Dyschromatopsia?
Dyschromatopsia is an alteration in the ability to perceive certain hues, such as green, blue or red. When the problem specifically concerns red, it is called color blindness . In rarer cases, some people do not see any colors at all and perceive only shades of gray: this condition is known as achromatopsia .
Often hereditary in origin, color blindness mainly affects men: in Europe, 8% of the male population is affected, compared to only 0.4% of women.
Living with Dyschromatopsia
Since it is present from birth, dyschromatopsia can go unnoticed for years. Only specific ophthalmological tests, such as those offered by Ottica Paoletti in Pieve di Soligo, can detect it accurately. Although there is no definitive cure, there are solutions that improve the quality of life.
Solutions for Dyschromatopsia
At our optical center we offer:
- Colored lenses: To accentuate the contrast between shades
- Specialized lenses: Designed to improve color perception
- Personalized consulting: To adapt solutions to your daily needs
Find out if you suffer from Dyschromatopsia
Having trouble with colors? Book an ophthalmological test at Ottica Paoletti in Pieve di Soligo. We offer you an in-depth analysis and customized solutions for color blindness and dyschromatopsia.